2022-2023 McMurry University Catalog 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 McMurry University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Music

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Assistant Professor: Amlung, Department Chair
Assistant Professor: Medoza

Mission and Goals:

The mission of McMurry University’s Department of Music is to promote student achievement through programs in the fields of education and performance. Degree programs provide a comprehensive education in music. The Department offers opportunities for students from all disciplines to participate in its programs, and serves as a center for community participation in the arts.

Musical study takes place in an open and supportive atmosphere, enabling students to explore music as an art form, and serving as preparation for professional development in musical employment.

The general academic requirements for admission to the Department of Music degree programs are the same as those required for admission to the other degree courses of McMurry University. Additional requirements established by the Department of Music are listed below.

Special Programs and Opportunities:

The Department of Music provides a number of performance opportunities for all students attending McMurry University. As a general rule, membership in any performing ensemble is gained through audition with the particular instructor directing the ensemble. Further details regarding credit and requirements can be found herein under Applied Music.

Kappa Kappa Psi: Is a co-educational band service fraternity open to active members of the McMurry University Bands with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. The organization exists to provide leadership, musicianship, and support to the university band program. Regular attendance of meetings is required in addition to service and fundraising activities. New members are able to join each year after one semester of participating in meetings, membership education, and service projects.

Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) and Texas Music Educators Conference (TMEC) Collegiate Student Chapter. These organizations are directly associated with MENC (Music Educators National Conference). The organization offers music students opportunities to enhance their understanding of all aspects of music education-general, choral and instrumental.

Departmental Honors. Please see the description of the McMurry University Honors Program  under the Special Program section in the catalog.

Requirements for Degrees in MUSIC (BA, BMED):

McMurry University offers the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music and the Bachelor of Music Education degree. In addition to completing the coursework described under “Courses of Study” and under “Degree Outlines,” candidates seeking degrees in Music must meet certain performance, grade, and attendance requirements. Please refer to the Department of Music Student Handbook for further detail on requirements.

  1. Entry Audition. Each potential Music major must audition and be approved by 3 members of the Music Faculty before registering for music coursework. Approval of the Department of Music Faculty is required to declare a Music Major.
  2. Transfer Students. Students who transfer from other institutions must have their previous coursework credits evaluated by the Department of Music and must audition in order that their placement in the Music program can be determined.
  3. Ensemble. All Music majors and minors must be enrolled in a major ensemble each semester they are registered in coursework leading to a major or minor in music (except during the semester of clinical teaching)
  4. Applied Lessons. All Music majors must be enrolled in their specific applied instrument each semester until completion of their recital requirement.
  5. Juries and Sophomore Proficiency Exam. All Music majors are required to pass a jury at the end of each semester as part of the Applied Music requirement in their principal instrument or voice. The jury will be comprised of members of the music faculty. The jury at the end of the sophomore year or fourth semester constitutes a sophomore proficiency exam, and students must successfully pass this jury before taking junior or senior-level applied music lessons. Specific skills and proficiencies necessary to pass the sophomore proficiency exam are determined by the music faculty according to the area. (Refer to the Department of Music Student Handbook for details.)
  6. Music Hours. Music hours are the recital experience (“lab”) for all Applied Music study. Music students under the direction of their instructors should plan to perform at Music Hours. Music Hour attendance is also mandatory for Music majors and is monitored through MUSI 1000 - Recital Attendance .
  7. Piano Proficiency. All Music majors must complete and pass a minimum of two semesters of piano study. Additionally, Music majors are required to demonstrate a piano proficiency administered incrementally at the end of each semester of piano study. The piano proficiency requirements determined by the Music Faculty are found in the Department of Music Student Handbook. Private piano lessons may be substituted for any or all of the Class Piano requirements at the discretion of the piano faculty. Music majors are required to take piano each semester until their proficiency is satisfied. Passage of the piano proficiency is a prerequisite for registration for a recital.
  8. Recital. Students are required by their degree plans to perform a recital in their senior year. Prior to enrolling for recital credit, the student must pass the sophomore and piano proficiencies. In addition to the required senior recital, students may choose to perform a degree recital during their junior year of study with the approval of their applied instructor. Students may also perform non-degree recitals throughout their academic career with the approval of their applied instructor. In order to be eligible for any public recital, students must pass a recital hearing which will be performed privately for a faculty jury at least two weeks prior to the recital date. Students must be enrolled in applied lessons during the semester of any public recital and must enroll in their major area applied lessons until the recital requirement(s) are fulfilled. Recital requirements should be fulfilled prior to student teaching. (Procedures related to recitals can be found in the Department of Music Student Handbook). This is the capstone course for the BA in Music.
  9. Grade Point Requirements. Every Music major must maintain at least a 2.0 average grade point in all Music coursework during the first sixty (60) hours of study at McMurry University. At the discretion of the Music faculty, Music majors who fail to achieve a 2.0 average grade point for any two consecutive semesters of Applied Music study in their principal instrument or voice will be advised to pursue another major or another concentration.
  10. Attendance. All music majors are required to accumulate a certain number of points each semester by attending recitals and concerts on and off campus. Students are expected to attend as many McMurry recitals, concerts, and music hour performances as possible. Attendance is monitored through enrollment in MUSI 1000 . A list of required events will be published at the beginning of each semester. Additional classroom attendance requirements are detailed in the Department of Music Student Handbook.


There are two types of activities involved in the area of Applied Music: music lessons and music ensembles.

A Voice
B Piano
C Organ
D Flute
E Oboe
F Clarinet
G Saxophone
H Bassoon
J Trumpet
K Horn
L Trombone
M Baritone
N Tuba
P Percussion
S Strings
X Special Lessions

Prerequisite for Applied Music lessons in organ include a demonstrable keyboard proficiency (to the level of performance of a Bach two-part invention or easier classical sonatina) and permission of instructor.

One-hour credit music lessons involve a single lesson (25-30 minutes) per week. Two-hour credit Applied Music lessons involve either a single lesson (50-60 minutes) per week or two lessons (25-30 minutes) per week. Class Piano is designed for beginning piano students including both Music majors and non-majors. It is designed to help satisfy the Music Department piano proficiency requirements for Music majors. Class Piano, offered in a four semester sequence, is numbered as follows: MUAP 1113 MUAP 1114 MUAP 1115 MUAP 1116 . All class piano students must enroll for the courses in sequence. Advanced placement will be determined by the piano faculty of the Music Department.

Each music ensemble is assigned an individual course number, and students receive one hour of credit per semester for any ensemble regardless of the amount of actual rehearsal and performance time required. Membership in music ensembles is open to anyone, but students must receive permission of instructor before enrolling for credit​


    Undergraduate MajorsUndergraduate Minors


      MusicMusic AppliedMusic EducationMusic Literature & HistoryMusic Theory

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